Skip a Loan Payment and Enjoy Extra Cash!
Complete the form below prior to your loan due date.
Please note there is a $45 fee per skipped loan. A hold for the fee will be placed on the account notated below.
I/We wish to participate in the Success Credit Union Skip-A-Pay program. I/We, the undersigned, do hereby request a one-month extension for the month selected in the form on our normal loan payment(s)* and hereby acknowledge that I/we understand that interest will continue to accrue during this period at the same rate as the terms of the original note and security agreement on file with you. Furthermore, by accepting this offer, I/we agree to make more payments of the same amount until what I/we owe has been repaid in full.
*Loans must be in good standing with no delinquency of 30+ days in the past 12 months.